Truth: More a premium today than toilet paper


“The truth only hurts when you want to believe a lie.”

~ Jennifer McVey

NOTE: This is not a political post. But it is one of the most significant challenges in our society today.

In these precarious times, we are experiencing an absence of truth, honesty and integrity. It’s an attack on our values and character. This destructive virus stretches from the halls of Congress to the television news channels to the workplace and even to the church.

And, perhaps most significantly, to social media.

In fact, truth is at more of a premium than toilet paper in this trying time.

The problem today is that people are satisfied with a smidgen of truth mixed with inaccurate bias or misrepresentation, often loaded with a political, religious or personal agenda. Whether it’s twisted, added to or portions withheld, the driving motivation is to make a point to support a position.

In other words — as the media is often prone to do — people are in search of a narrative to support their agenda, regardless of the cost. And that often leaves truth on the side of the road in tatters.

As I mentioned, the media is perhaps the worst offender today. But this watered-down version of the truth leads to confusion and bewilderment and results in scurrilous consternation for most onlookers.

And, yes, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are willing partners to this scorched earth fiasco.

Truth is truth and doesn’t need anything added. It can stand alone. A lie, however, needs a morsel of truth to go along with other pieces of untruth, misleading info and falsehood to reach its goal of deception or distortion.

Some might say that if a lie is told enough, it becomes truth. But that doesn’t hold water. What is more accurate is that, if a lie is told enough, people start believing it’s true. It’s still false, it’s still inaccurate, it’s still not the truth.

The truth is still the truth even if no one believes it. A lie is still a lie, even if everyone believes it.


I used to believe it was as simple as bringing to someone’s attention that their Facebook post wasn’t completely accurate or that something on TV didn’t include all the pertinent information. But, was I wrong!

People want to believe the lie! They want to believe their version of the truth is accurate, so they can either tear down someone else or achieve another goal.

Whether it’s pride in admitting they are wrong or wanting to support their agenda/candidate/personal desires, many would rather believe — and perpetuate — the lie than face the truth. This is, in part, responsible for recent generations that feel entitled or that they are owed something, but that’s another story for another day.

And, believe it or not friends, this is biblical. Whether you refer to 2 Timothy about “itching ears” or 2 Thessalonians 2 where God will “allow them to believe a lie”, this should not be a surprise.

The good news is that you can combat this societal challenge. Here are a few things you can do.

  • First, learn to recognize the mixture of truth when you see it or hear it.
  • Resist the temptation to add to truth, even if the truth itself hurts.
  • Learn to respectfully stand up to misinformation with those who are still willing to learn and understand. Not everyone will receive you, but you must try.
  • Be willing to learn and understand! Yes, it’s possible you have believed a lie along the way.

Remember, louder doesn’t mean right, but truth will prevail.

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