Don’t Get Left Behind: Adapt, Adjust, prepare


We live in exciting times! “Wait, Chip, I’m confused. Yesterday, you said we live in precarious times!” you might say.

Yes, and yes! This is an unprecedented season regardless of how old you are or where you are in your journey. You can tag it with whatever adjective or adverb you’d like…and you’d likely be spot on.

Treat it like Christmas morning every day, or approach it like you’re walking the plank on a pirate ship. Either way, we will be in a different place when we arrive on the other side (if we ever get there)!

Frankly, I feel like I’m beating a dead horse, or maybe I’m just preaching to the choir. If you’re a member of the choir here, then share this story, and shout it from the rooftop. God is extending this period that time is standing still. With various cataclysmic events and such turmoil in the world, someone needs to hear that the time is now.

You can get left behind!

But 2022 is more than any single event, and the happenings around us this year are more significant than any one person. Snapshots within snapshots, stories within stories, and seasons within seasons abound. Each event is spectacular in its own right, but beginning in January and running through today, it’s indisputable we are living in an extraordinary age.

Whether you believe it or not, you are blessed to live in this generation. But you can get left behind!

Reasonable financial, spiritual, and business leaders project that we will not return to the same ol’, same ol’ situation we left just a few short years ago. Globally, economically, medically, politically — and perhaps even more importantly, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally — things are changing. For this generation, we are living through our Great Depression, our Kennedy Assassination, our World War II, our Vietnam, our Civil War. Each life-changing event brought great transformation for those generations, and these exciting, precarious times are no different.

For you and me, the COVID generation will be the story we tell children and grandchildren. “I remember when…” The reset may be great for some of you, “I’m ready to start over”! For others, it may be frightening or intimidating.

But be confident: Somewhere along the way, 2022 has stopped you dead in your tracks. If it hasn’t — or if you haven’t noticed — you simply aren’t paying attention and taking advantage of the time. You will never have a better opportunity to adapt, adjust and prepare. Do a head-to-toe review: your job, your dream, your business, your location, your kids/family, your circle of friends, your hobbies, your finances, and your attitude.

You can get left behind. The times demand your action, your response. The five areas highlighted in the post yesterday require your attention. Today, not tomorrow.

Adapt, adjust and prepare. Fail to prepare, and you prepare to fail. We have been in the wilderness, and it’s both precarious and exciting. But friends, I don’t want to wander in this wilderness for 40 years, do you? (Sidenote: If you remember your Bible teaching, not everyone made it to the Promised Land, not even Moses. Many died in the wilderness and were left behind.)

Meanwhile, while the Israelites were in the wilderness, God provided manna daily (Exodus 16). They had to adapt, adjust and prepare, then act on it by gathering the food each morning, and the food was good only for that particular day. Likewise, Lamentations says his mercies “are new every morning…” (NIV).

Today is the day, now is the time. Review the list, adapt, adjust and prepare.

We posted 25 questions to ponder early last month, but here are more direct questions or thoughts for you to consider so you don’t get left behind.

  • Are you better off or worse off than you were in January 2022? Health-wise? Financially? Spiritually? Relationally?
  • Can you list the changes to your life since “all this” started?
  • What change am I resisting the most? Why is that?
  • What single event or experience has changed you the most? Why is that?
  • Finish this statement: Since all this started, I know that God has told me ___________________.
  • What would the title be if you were writing a movie about your experiences in 2022? What does the plot look like? That will be telling about your attitude and perspective of these times.
  • What changes do you need to make not to get left behind?
  • Do you have at least one new friendship that has come out of these times?

Jumpstart your life today. Adapt, adjust and prepare. If we can help, email us.

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