4 Things you should Pay Attention to


Today more than ever, there are many thoughts on Americans’ minds. But there are a few things you should pay very close attention to. They can make or break you and they can have a dramatic impact on your peace of mind, fulfillment, and abundant life.

Here are four things that should be front and center.

Who’s in your inner circle?

It’s important who you surround yourself with. Think about the five people you spend the most time with. Are these people building you up or tearing you down? Are they a positive influence or a negative Debbie-downer?

Frankly, you need friends, and I ain’t talking about Facebook. Jesus had 12 disciples. One was a traitor. He had several good supporters, but three in particular — James, John, and Peter — were his inner circle. Who is your James? Your John? Your Peter? Those are the people you can count on to tell you the truth, to be there when it counts, and to support you in good times and bad.

It may be time to review your Fab Five. 

If you’re looking for a good read, check out our latest book: YOUR FAB 5.

Take a financial inventory.

Elections come and go, but elections change things. This is not a political post, but as it does every four or eight years, change always comes with a new administration’s policies. It’s a good time for a financial checkup.

Deferments, government stimulus, and employer credits will end at some point. Are you ready to carry the load financially? Here are a few suggestions and thoughts I picked up from some of the top Ramsey Preferred Coaches around the country.

  • Stay current. If you aren’t current on your bills, get current. Now’s not the time to get behind.
  • Increase your emergency fund. Over 70% of Americans couldn’t pay for a $1,000 emergency if it happened today. Your emergency fund is a vital part of your financial success.
  • Stay away from unnecessary major purchases (e.g. new car, home upgrades, major vacation purchases).
  • Pay down debt where possible. Focus, especially on smaller debts, you can knock out with one or two payments.

What about your spiritual life?

There are many voices out there today. Don’t be deceived, don’t be misled, don’t be enticed.

Tune out those loud, overwhelming, obnoxious voices and listen for the still, small voice. You want hear it in the ranting and raving of television news networks. You won’t find it in social media. You may not hear it in the workplace, church place, or marketplace.

Indeed, we live in precarious times, and there’s never been a more important time to fill up your spiritual tank. As you cull the clutter of voices, make sure to replace it with reasoned voices: A pastor, mentor, strong teacher, or someone who has your best interest at heart.

Mix a little truth with a lot of false “news,” and you have deception and distortion at best. Fill your tank with good news. There are some great podcasts out there, so seek to be encouraged, motivated, and inspired.

Take care of your health.

You’ve heard much during COVID-19 about “underlying conditions” that can make you vulnerable. But it also raises awareness that we can improve our general health by applying common sense and a little effort. We can also work to better manage situations that are hereditary or genetic.

Leading underlying conditions include:

  • Obesity or overweight.
  • Diabetes.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Heart or lung disease. (Cardiovascular or breathing conditions).
  • Kidney or liver disease.
  • Age (older than 65).

According to the CDC, 6 in 10 adults in the U.S. have a chronic disease, and 4 in 10 have two or more. What are the four lifestyle risks for Americans, especially those with underlying conditions?

  • Tobacco use.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Lack of physical activity.
  • Excessive alcohol use.

Sure, you may have inherited your condition, but you can do something about it. If you don’t have these underlying conditions, you can still improve your health.

You can lose weight, you can eat better, you can drink your water, you can exercise. Do what you can!

These are important days. The ride may be a bit bumpy at times, but pay attention, stay vigilant, and fight the good fight. Stay safe and spread hope!

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