10 things to start doing to be successful


Success can seem elusive. In fact, only eight percent of people reach their goals, meaning 92% never get there. Which category are you in? Many people give up too quickly, don’t realize they are just three feet from dreams, and give up not realizing how close they are. But most of the time, success is within our reach. We just don’t have the gumption to push through.

Here are 10 things you can do — you need to do — to become successful in business, life, your church and your family.

  1. Make up your mind. If you’re like me, it’s easy to be wishy-washy. Excuses, what-ifs, wait ’tils, circumstances, and other challenges will always be with you. But it’s funny. When you make up your mind you’re going through, those things seem to fade away. As a result, things begin to fall into place. You need to make up your mind you’re going to do this. A made-up mind is better than a give-up attitude any day.
  2. Get rid of the distractions. We all have them. Install boundaries and start saying “no” to things. Remember this: You can’t complain about what you allow. That will stop your complaints and your distractions in their tracks. Think about it. When someone interrupts you, they’re borrowing your time, and that’s time you’ll never recover or recoup. Take apps off your phone, close the door when you need to, and tell people you can’t right now. It’s your time. Own it.
  3. Read, read, read. Successful people read. It doesn’t matter if they’re a CEO, a politician, a young person or a mom. Reading, as they say, is fundamental and a foundation for success. CEOs and business leaders read 50-60 books every year. Moreover, if you’re looking to be a millionaire, here are the habits they have created for themselves. Further, here’s my reading list if you’re searching for a few good reading suggestions.
  4. Make the time. You’ll never find the time. You have to make it. If it’s worth doing, it’s worth being on your calendar. Whatever you need to prioritize, block it out on your calendar. If you don’t make the time, there’s a good chance it won’t happen. You have 86,400 seconds in a day, just like the next guy and me. Time is more valuable than money. You can’t replace time, you can replace money. Why do we waste time and spend time aimlessly if it’s so valuable?
  5. Be persistent, insistent, and consistent. Face it. The ship isn’t coming in to dock. You have to swim out to it. And it will require a regular, ongoing effort to get there. In reality, it may force you to change your understanding of “no” or “not now”. Keep knocking and keep seeking, that’s when doors open, and you find gold. The road to success is littered with failure and people who have given up. If you don’t give up, you’re in an elite company.
  6. Prioritize. Not everything is essential, and not everything is necessary. Take the stress off, and prioritize what must happen now. On some things, you can hire it out or delegate it. On other things, just hit the “delete” button. It’s not essential, and it’s causing you stress. Start saying no. Nike had it right: Just say no! You’ll have to give up something to get better, so why not start today? It will get easier as you go along, but saying no will open a door for you to say yes.
  7. Find your people. Your people may be the most critical part of your journey. You may have to change the chairs on the deck of your inner circle. Change your circle, change your life and change your future. Everyone needs a Paul and a Timothy in their lives too. You should be a Paul and Timothy. There are specific characteristics of your people. Here’s a short list of some of those. People…
    • You trust implicitly.
    • With whom you can share your inner thoughts and dreams.
    • You can call at 2 am if you need to.
    • Who will be honest and challenge you?
      We can help with that. Take our course called Your Fab 5.
  8. Live now like you want to live. Build your boundaries, create the work ethic, plan your work and work the plan. In other words, act out the life you want to live by putting the guardrails in place. Talk the talk, walk the walk. If you’re going to have 50 clients, don’t work like you have 5. If you want to live in a bigger house, draw up the plans, write down your preferences, and start planning for it now. If you want more friends, start being a friend. If you want to be a better parent, determine what you need to start doing — and stop doing — to become better. You don’t have to wait until tomorrow to live today.
  9. Believe in yourself. If you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will either. Trust your gut and instincts, especially if you’ve already received counsel, insight, and coaching on the matter. Also, know that you are good enough, believe that you can do it, and understand that you are created for this moment. You, yes you! Whether you believe in yourself or you don’t, you’re probably right.
  10. Slow down. Why are you in such a hurry anyway? Everything doesn’t have to be done today. Remember, though, there’s a difference between slowing down and becoming paralyzed or indecisive. Slowing down will allow you time to think through things, consider options and answer essential questions. It also helps to minimize mistakes or hasty decisions.

These are some great tips that have helped me. It doesn’t matter where you are in life — age, gender, location, finances — you can be successful in whatever you set your mind to. Equally important, you should have a plan, and you need to write it down. Yogi Berra says, “If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll likely end up someplace else.”

Finally, we’d love to hear your story. What is the first step you’re going to take today?

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