Kickstarter: Look for the man with no feet
Turn your thinking outward. When you look for the man who has no feet, you’ll find that your old worn shoes work just fine.
Turn your thinking outward. When you look for the man who has no feet, you’ll find that your old worn shoes work just fine.
We live in a changing world, but we need to be reminded that the important things have not changed, and the important things …
It’s time to do something. It’s time to change something. It’s time to make a difference. It’s time to get off the sidelines and become a participant rather than a spectator.
Politics, religion and sex are three taboo discussions in most workplaces today. Yet, they are probably three of the most valuable discussions adults can explore.
With reasonable people.
It’s not about what you’ve done. It’s about who you are. And it’s about the hearts on which you have carved a lasting legacy.
Tony Robichaux fulfilled the assignment. He fought the good fight, he finished the race and he kept the faith.
Find someone you can help today. It may be a simple thing, like a word of encouragement, or taking the time to listen or it may require you to give something of value. Whatever it is, ask God to bring someone across your path today whom you can offer help.
Find the adults in your life — or invite them in — who will encourage, motivate, support and inspire you to become a better person, a better spouse, a better parent. Soon, you can become the motivator, supporter, inspiration and encourager for someone else in your life!
We all have scriptures, thoughts, ideas that run deep. Here are five more quotes that always cause me to stop, think and evaluate. Hopefully, they’ll do the same for you.
Sometimes, it not about the answers, it’s about asking the right questions. These quesitons will help you change your focus, your priorities and habits.
WARNING: You may not like this blog post. There is a difference between being religious and being a Christian. The two are polar opposites.