Finding your peace


Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures. ~John F. Kennedy

Sometimes, you just have to go where the peace is. We were traveling recently from Louisiana to Colorado. As you may know, passing through the Dallas/Fort Worth area comes with the peril of its own. Motorcycles darting in and out, last-minute turns, impatient drivers and those moments you get boxed in between two 18-wheelers. The frenetic pace of big city traffic can raise your blood pressure, not to mention your stress and anxiety. It can undo what had been a positive morning in seconds. But as we rolled out of Fort Worth onto the open highway that began to take us to West Texas, we found the beginning of the peace. The long, flat roads with an occasional rolling hill brought the old-style windmills, cow pastures and beautiful scenery along with more natural breathing and the release of those white knuckles. It reminds us that sometimes, you have to go where the peace is. Yes, you can certainly have a level of peace amid chaos and pandemonium, but sometimes, you need to leave those surroundings to seek and pursue peace in a less hectic setting. Do you have that retreat, the place you can take a deep breath and gain a new perspective and even regroup? If the craziness of life has you going in circles from the constant noise and distractions, go where the peace is. That’s where you want to be!

So then we pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another. Romans 14:19 (NASB).

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