Ideas, options, and decisions!


Ideas are a dime a dozen. I have dozens of them rolling around in my brain almost 24/7, and you do, too.

I’ve often wondered how many great ideas die with people every day. Then, I think about those ideas in my own brain. Hmm. It’s time to dust off some of those ideas—aka options—and turn them into decisions.

Could you make a bucket list of your ideas? Maybe you want to try something, eat a new food, start a business, go somewhere you’ve never been, learn a new skill, clean the garage, meet someone you admire, or do something different with your life. Don’t take that idea with you to your grave.

What say you? What ideas are rumbling around in your head? Pick one and start the journey.

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Chip’s take: You’re ready to pull it off. You’re one decision away from a breakthrough. Here are some tips to help you get out of the rut.

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