More Text Messages to Myself


A friend of mine used to tell me: “If you don’t write it down, it didn’t happen.” As I get older (and remember less), I’ve learned how true that is.

Writing things down is always a plus. We write on the back of napkins, bills, scratch paper, business card and even on our hands. Often, we throw those notes, reminders or numbers away (or wash them off our hands), unfortunately often without ever referring back to them.

Me? I take notes by texting myself. Weird, you say? But I still got ’em! Here are some things I’ve texted myself over the past several years. They are notes I “took” while listening to sermons or reading, listening to music or blog ideas that come to me driving down the highway. Some have already been used in blog posts or newsletters, and I can’t promise I remember the source for everyone. 

They all are good advice, though. Enjoy.

THERE COMES A TIME WHEN YOU’RE GOING TO HAVE TO REALIZE WHAT GOD HAS DONE FOR YOU IS BIGGER THAN WHAT ANYONE HAS DONE TO YOU.(September 16, 2016). This one is worth dwelling on for a few minutes. Someone somewhere needs this today. Focus and perspective are often the pivotal moments that bring change to our direction, our future and our destiny. John Mason wrote an entire book on the subject: Let Go of Whatever Makes You Stop.

“GET RID OF UNNECESSARY BAGGAGE.” (September 20, 2015). This thought came from a message by Brady Boyd, the pastor at New Life Church. Some of the baggage he suggested dumping:

  • The past.
  • Worry.
  • Self-pity.
  • Unforgiveness.

Are we more at home with those who share our faith but not our politics or with people who share our politics but not our faith.” November 13, 2016. Ah oh. Strong stuff right there. This was four years ago, but never more appropriate than today. This is one of those defining statements for your spirituality, your character and your integrity. #thinkaboutit #faithbeforepolitics

“EMBRACE NOW AND TRUST GOD FOR WHAT’S NEXT.”  You saw this one recently in a Monday Kickstarter blog entry. If you missed it, there’s some good stuff right there.

“YOU WANT TO SPEND TIME WITH PEOPLE WHO WILL CRY AT YOUR FUNERAL.” (December 9, 2017). Not sure where this one came from, but it’s the absolute truth. Take time for the important people in your life. We are the average of the five people we spend the most time with, but these days we all need to update that list of 5. Good reads: 

THE WAY YOU TREAT YOUR OWN HEART IS THE WAY YOU TREAT EVERYONE ELSE. (November 8, 2017). Think about it. John Eldredge made that statement to a group of men, but it’s true for everyone. The heart is the central issue, and we all tend to treat people like we treat ourselves. It goes hand in hand with the Golden Rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated, yet it goes deeper to issues of the heart because, as we all know, the issues of life flow from the heart. Take time to treat yourself well!

GOD IS MORE INTERESTED IN WHO WE ARE BECOMING THAT WHAT WE ARE ACCOMPLISHING. (May 20, 2018).  The world today gives us hundreds of different 12-step plans to become successful, but God is still more interested in our journey to be the best person with character and integrity. As a Chaplain at the 5-star, 5-diamond resort, I would tell employees that their trainers were helping them become the best 5-star employees they could be. My job was to help them become the best 5-star person they could be. That’s God’s goal.

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1 thought on “More Text Messages to Myself”

  1. Hi Chip,
    Thanks so much for sharing your sincere and beautiful heart with all of us!
    You’re messages are truly uplifting and inspiring!
    My sincere love to you, your wife and your family!

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