Forgotten values: Remembering a simpler time 4.8 (12)

Have the times changed, or have people changed? Or is it a little bit of both? Technology changes, media changes, industries change, opinions vary, and politics change, but when we wander aimlessly away from basic tenets and values, aren’t we wandering away from truth and principle? There are principles, and there are preferences.

Powerful reminders: 5 scriptures to live by 5 (21)

In a day when new books, new fads, and new tools abound and yell at us in ads, emails, and social media, it’s always a good reminder that we have our roots in one book, one fad, and one tool: The Bible. Here are five powerful reminders in a world of chaos, divisiveness, and endless crazy.

Inflation: Simple tips to save money, gain peace of mind 5 (18)

Inflation and the summer are here for a while. Most of us are scurrying to lower costs and save money from the highest inflation in 40 years, so I’ll cut right to the chase. Don’t scoff: Every little bit may help, especially in the long run.

If you’re serious about saving money and increasing efficiency, read on: There are some helpful ideas here.

It’s mind-boggling: The devastating loss of trust 5 (16)

It’s an endless, vicious cycle of America’s institutions jockeying for position. The TV elite say you shouldn’t trust the Supreme Court, the president says you can’t trust Congress, and churches often tell us to beware of the government. It’s the old case of blowing out someone else’s candle so yours will shine brighter.

So who do you trust these days?

13 things you can give up if you want to be successful 5 (58)

Life is about perspective.

Often, it’s not just the principles, guidelines and rules. It’s more about beliefs, values, determination and persistence. Want to get to the next level? Here are 13 suggestions to help you start turning the big boat around. This list is about changing your mindset and perspective.

You can do this. You were made for this moment.

Lessons along the journey 5 (16)

A once-proud America dangles in the balance between good and evil, truth and lies. Don’t shout just yet — this is a problem that transcends political, ethnic and generational boundaries. These are signs of a time that you can easily find in the Bible. The prophets spoke of it, the gospel writers declared it, and Paul, Peter, John and others predicted it.