The world is waiting for what you have


“The tragedy of life is what dies inside a man while he lives.” ~Albert Schweitzer.

The world is waiting for what you have. What is it that you “have” anyway? And why are you holding onto it?

Today, more than ever, the world is struggling. It’s teetering on the brink and doesn’t even realize it. And it needs what you have — what God placed in your heart before you were born!

Think about this:

  • If you don’t share it, it may never be shared.
  • If you don’t give it, it may never be given
  • If you don’t invest it, it may never be invested.
  • If you don’t tell your story, it may never be told.
  • If you don’t act on your dream, a little bit dies inside you daily.
  • If you don’t take the risk, the world loses out.
  • If you don’t stand for truth, your circle may not hear truth.
  • If you don’t open your eyes, the world may never see.
  • If you don’t take the next step, countless lives will remain stuck.
  • If you don’t open the door, no one else can walk through it.
  • If you don’t come alive, you cheat the world (and yourself).
  • If you don’t accept the call, the battle is lost.

What’s in your pocket? Don’t let it sit there and rust or take on more dust.

If God, your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and church are waiting on you, and nothing will happen if you don’t move, what do they lose? If you want to change your world, leave your comfort zone!

Remember: The world is waiting for what you have. Would you like any help figuring out what you have? Four clarifying questions may help you determine your unique gift and specialty.

  • What do you want to have?
  • What do you want to do?
  • What do you want to learn?
  • What do you want to give?

Maybe it’s time to stop worrying about what other people think of you and start wondering what will happen if you push over the first domino. In other words, think about what can go right, not what may go wrong.

What happens if you take the risk? What happens if you don’t?

The clock is ticking: The world is waiting for what you have! You’re ready to pull it off. You’re one decision away from a breakthrough. Here are some tips to help you get out of the rut.

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