UPDATE: Goals or Good Intentions?


It’s July 1, the start of another month. In fact, it’s the start of the second half of 2020. Only six months left to the year or 184 more days to the year that wouldn’t quit. All you have left is Independence Day, back-to-school, Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and, oh yes, Election Day before you can say Happy New Year!

In other words, another six-month eternity!

Remember where you were and what you were doing when 2020 began? Okay, maybe not, but you probably had some resolutions or goals or good intentions at least. Yes? How ya doing on those goals? Are they written down? Can you check back in to see your progress?

You may recall that I published my goals on May 26 in Goals or Good Intentions. I’m sharing my goals — and progress — as an encouragement to you. So let’s check in on me since you’re helping keep me accountable!

GOAL #1. Lose 21 pounds by New Year’s Day. That’s 3 pounds per month starting June 1. Action point: Going through my closet and removing all XXL shirts. I’m between sizes now, and some of the XL shirts are, well, a little snug. Wearable, but not entirely comfortable. This action should be an incentive if I want to be more comfortable.

July 1 Update. Goal met for June. Lost 4.9 pounds in June. Goodwill is a lot richer with XXL shirts too! Couple of those XL shirts are still a little snug, but I’m getting there. Oh, and I did get a haircut last month too, first one since late February. Guess that could account for a pound or two, yes?

GOAL #2. Read 20 books this year. I’m at eight so far, so right on track. My faves are the three Johns: Mason, Maxwell and Eldredge, plus Mandino, Batterson and Lewis. I’ll be reading and re-reading some of Ramsey in the second half too.

July 1 Update. Still on track, though just a tad behind perhaps. Nine books complete after finishing Coach Wooden’s Pyramid of Success by John Wooden and Jay Carty. Working on Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover (a reread from a decade ago) and another book now. Those two will help keep me on track for the year, though if I can add one more before July 31, I’ll be ahead, which is obviously an excellent place to be!

GOAL #3. Writing at least 20 posts a month on this blog. By comparison, we’ve posted 38 pieces so far in May and 28 new posts in April. Twenty is doable and easily measurable. Action point: Establish a content calendar with subjects and dates.

July 1 Update. Nailed #20 on June 30 with this post: 5 VERSES FOR TIMES LIKE THESE. July will give me one extra day to hit 20, but that content calendar that we created will help keep me on track! If you have a subject you’d like to read about, email us and let us know.

GOAL #4. Write and publish a book by Christmas. Action point: Find an author coach to work with. Narrow down topics by June 15.

July 1 Update. Working to finalize a deal with a publishing company now. We’ve narrowed down to 2-3 topics and hope to put more things on paper in the outline this month.

Goals are fun. It’s keeping up with them that brings the heartache sometimes, especially when you get behind, or the little foxes jump in. But, goals help keep you moving forward and provide a road map. Here’s how setting goals has helped me.

  1. Keep you focused and on track. If you have a hectic life, it’s hard to stay focused. With expectations on the job, at home, in finances, health, family and otherwise, writing down your goals helps you know what you need to get done. Remember, if there’s no deadline, it’s not real. Keep your eye on the prize!
  2. Reduce stress. Honestly, if you start with 4-6 goals, they will determine ahead of time what you need to do. That allows you to sort through the to-do list and prioritize your actions. Then you need not stress over what to do today!
  3. Provide clarity. If you have goals, you already have a road map for what’s at the top of your list. You have direction, now all you need to do is get up and hit the road.
  4. Easily mark progress. If you set your goals correctly — little goals inside of big goals — you’ll have mile markers to hit along the way. You know when you’re ahead or even behind and that give you incentive and impetus. That’s encouraging and motivating!
  5. Eliminates distractions. Well, okay, you may never wholly remove those pesky distractions, but it will give you “permission” to slap them away or at least determine which ones are urgent or essential. Look, distractions happen. But you can’t let them supersede your goal!

So, enough about me. How you doing on your goals? Don’t have goals yet? Still procrastinating? Not sure where to start? Check out the GOALS OR GOOD INTENTIONS post from May 26 to get some ideas. Use the SMART plan. Even if you set one goal, one priority, one road map, begin the process today.

Let’s hear about your goals in the comments!

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