Chip Bailey

Coronavirus crossroads: Someday has arrived 0 (0)

Globally, economically, medically, politically and perhaps even more importantly, emotionally and mentally, things have changed. For this generation, this is our Great Depression, our Kennedy Assassination, our World War II, our Vietnam, our Civil War. Each of those life-changing events wrought great transformation for those generations and this is no different.

5 questions for the post-coronavirus era 0 (0)

America is turning a corner in a course-correction that has been coming for quite some time. Disease, quarantine, politics and trillions of dollars from an already-broke government will force changes. Don’t get comfortable. Expect, anticipate and prepare for the coming changes.

The vacation is over, now what? 0 (0)

If you want to make it through this season of your life emotionally and mentally — and maintain your sanity, health and soul — you’re going to have to make some changes. Changes that will require you stepping out of your comfort zone. Changes that will force you to try something you may not have tried before.

The times demand a voice of reason 5 (3)

Where is the calming voice of reason? Where is that voice that settles and soothes and cuts through the discordant noise? Unfortunately, that voice is often lost in the cacophony of savage rudeness and boorish disrespect of a self-righteous generation.

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