Kickstarter: 3 quotes to jumpstart your week


Leaders of the past can shine a light on our future and give us hope. There are many who have shown the way and have left us the breadcrumbs. Some encourage us only one step at a time, while others point us to the mountain tops in the distance.

Nonetheless, they are often shining beacons that can leave the light on for us to make the next step in darkness or turn the next corner with confidence.

Here are a few thoughts to kickstart your Monday.

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars.

Og Mandino

Og Mandino was a successful businessman who once was an alcoholic and considered suicide. He is the author of one of the most fascinating books I’ve read, The Greatest Salesman in the World. It’s not a book about sales, but more one on life’s perspective. It’s a quick read, very much worth it. It will change your life.

Indeed in his quote for the day above, life is about perspective. Whether we are in the light of day or the dark of night, there is always something to guide us and to strengthen our mindset.

In today’s strange and unusual times, we should look for the nugget, the silver lining, or the perspective of the stars at night to find guidance and wisdom. The coronavirus event gives us time and opportunity to gain a new viewpoint, different context, and another angle on our lives.

  1. What is one thing you learned about yourself and your life over the past few weeks?
  2. How has that one thing changed you?
  3. What will you do with it? In other words, how can you use it to improve your life, your attitude, or your future?
  4. Name two positive things that have come out of this negative situation for you.

The friend in my adversity I shall always cherish most. I can better trust those who helped to relieve the gloom of my dark hours than those who are so ready to enjoy with me the sunshine of my prosperity.

Ulysses S. Grant.

Ah, yes, one of my favorite sermons! Who has become your quarantine friends? No, not only those who are physically around you, but who are you spending time with? Those are the ones you’ll remember 20 years from now when you tell stories about the coronavirus quarantine.

We are told we become like the five people we surround ourselves with. Hopefully, those five people are people who encourage you, lift you up, pray for you, stick with you, and inspire you.

Who — or, umm, what — are you spending the most time with in quarantine? If you find that Facebook, cable news, Netflix are crowding out your time, be intentional and do something with purpose. Find someone to encourage or inspire. Make life moments and take snapshots in time that will become your own historic personal encyclopedia.

Make a quick list of your quarantine buddies, your “friends of adversity” who are walking through this time with you. Nurture those relationships. Ask them to help you, lean on them with challenges or fears, and encourage them from your own despair.

This time can be life-changing. Don’t just amble through it aimlessly.

Every adversity, every failure and every heartache carries with it the seed of an equivalent or a greater benefit.

Napoleon Hill.

You will get through this. As Robert Schuller says: “Tough times don’t last, tough people do.”

The question is, who will you be on the other side? Yes, these are tough times, and adversity and heartache abound. Just remember, what you do today will determine your tomorrow. In other words, the seeds you plant today — whether of hope or promise or despair and fear — will provide your harvest tomorrow.

Today matters! Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow hasn’t shown up yet. Make something of your today. Make today your masterpiece (John Wooden). Or, as they say, make lemonade out of the whatever lemons you may have been given.

Take these tough-time adversity seeds, plant them with hope and aspiration, water them and give them great support and prepare for a bountiful, prosperous harvest!

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